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About Paint Protection Film (PPF) - exclusively by UltimateDetailerz

No matter how good a paint job is, there is no coat of paint more valuable than the factory paint. Protecting your original paint is the single most effective thing you can do to safeguard your investment. The other thing to keep in mind is that you need to do it as soon as possible. The longer you postpone or procrastinate, the higher the chances your new factory paint will get damaged. All it takes is one rock chip to make you realize how important paint protection film is. Add a few more rock chips and you’d be wishing you had done it sooner. Wether its luxury vehicles, high end sports cars, exotics or a budget friendly family car, clear film paint protection is an absolute no-brainer.

Paint Protection Film (PPF) comes in either optically clear high-gloss or matte finishes, so it disappears into automotive paint and can be used to create specialty effects. Our superior film is applied to the surface of the vehicle to create a barrier against water, insects, road debris, and other stains. With either finish, there are benefits of self-healing film and our proprietary HydroResist technology.

At Ultimate Detailerz, Bengaluru (Bangalore, India), we offer clear paint protection film only by the most trusted brands. Premium paint protection film comes with self-healing properties. This means that small scratches inflicted on the film will disappear thanks it its self-healing properties. This will happen naturally with a little heat exposure out in the sun. Treating the area with a little warm to hot water has similar effect.

When you pay for a product with extensive warranties, you want to rely on a solid company for the service. You need a company with a long history of successful projects and just as importantly, future longevity. Yes, films are guaranteed based on the quality of the film itself. However, it’s the shop that guarantees the work done. You want an experienced company like Ultimate Detailerz, based out of Bengaluru, INDIA, because you know we will be here, doing what we do and standing by our product 5 years from now… 10 years from now.

Why choose Paint Protection Film (PPF)  by UltimateDetailerz

Ultimate Detailers offer self healing PPF (pain protection film) with highest optical clarity which is tested in real life conditions for years before we started to offer to customers. At the entry level we have our own sourced PPF (pain protection film) from trusted suppliers and our own brand, in the premium segment we offer world leading names STEK, AEGIS and XPEL. Our complete solution provides a dedicated ceramic coating protection on top of your PPF (pain protection film) to give you the best of both worlds.